Job posting guidelines

To ensure the best results and the widest reach for your job listings on PMSpot, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Company Requirements :

  • Company Name: Use your complete company name as it will be advertised on PMSpot. Avoid abbreviations or "Inc." unless that's your standard reference.

  • Company Website: Ensure you have a functional company website, lists your organization's physical address, and provides public contact details.

  • Email Address: Your email address should match your company's website domain (e.g., when the website is If using a different address, it must be listed on your website's contact page.

Job Quality

  • Title: Use common job titles (e.g., "product marketing managers") rather than creative titles. Avoid excessively long titles, all capital letters, extra punctuation, and recruiting language in the title.

  • Location: Include a complete City, State, and Country as the job location. Avoid posting the same job in multiple locations unless there are separate openings in different offices.

  • Description: Ensure job descriptions have at least 700 characters and include duties, requirements, benefits, and company details. Limit the use of links and images, and don't provide alternative application methods. Avoid discriminatory language.

  • Multiple Openings: If hiring for multiple openings of the same job, still write the title as if it were a single position.

  • Text Formatting: Format your text within PMSpot to avoid formatting issues on job boards.